I know! It's been forever since I've posted pictures! Here's what's been going on: A lot!
I can to Nashville to record. Due to some circumstances, I haven't really done much of that. But in true planet Earth form, that's become a really good thing. This month is an opportunity for me to work on my process and pattern.
1. I've been Reading/doing The Artists Way, a beautiful course in discovering and recovering your creativity.
2. I've been getting up early every day and doing all the little bits I need to feel like a superhuman. (meditation, journaling, dance, stretch, voice workout, a leisurely breakfast)
3. I'm soaking up the sun and boating with ben and building with noah, and I got to hang out with gabe for two weeks straight!
This is the view from my bedroom window in Manhattan. It doesn't always look this cool. This looks really neat because of all the drugs I was on when I took the photo!
That's no bathtub; it's a space station.
Tree on Fire!
This is the second home I've had with beautiful sunsets!
My co-worker, Michael.
Doesn't this look like the cover of a book?
My boss, Eric!
That's Dameka!
My Pa.
Also Pa.
Yep. This one looks kinda magical.
Classmates: Blake and Dameka.
Captain Ben.
Alaina (Gabe's Gal), Noah, Gabe, Josh. It this photo it looks like we're going a lot faster than I think we were.
Co-worker Alison.
Joshua made a Tesla coil!
Co-worker Jesus.
Jessica Pina, The