My friend Kevin (not Thornton) reminded me I hadn't posted in a minute. By the way, go check out his blog 'cause it's interesting. Trust me and just do it. Also go to his knitting blog. I'm serious. Go there and by a scarf from him 'cause they're cool and it'll feed a homeless person. If you need to paypal me money and have me mail it to you that's cool. After you're done, come back and read my blog.
SO, it's been a while. Here's what I've been working on. Count how many times in a day someone says something negative to you. Maybe it about your job, or boss. Maybe it's some gossip about a mutual 'friend'. Maybe it's some complaint about the worlds financial system or something else far beyond your control. Listen to the tone and what you're expected to do. You're supposed to get mad with them and stew over it. Or if it's gossip you're supposed to get all chatty about how bad your friend is. Basicly you're at least expect to validate your fellow humans negative take on something and adopt it as your own. Every time you listen to this trash (and we do this virtually without knowing) you're letting this fellow human inject your mind and your heart with poison. Think about it. Every time you listen to gossip you think lower of someone, you'll behave as if you do too. When you soak up negative comments thrown around about your something or someone, when you add to them and join in fueling these coals of hatred, you're strangling your 'soul' and ruining your life bit by bit. But that's what humans are doing, gladly giving and recieving poison everywhere. It's sick and ugly. Once you realize this, whenever someone tries to give you some of that poison, a little red flag goes up in your brain, and you can say to yourself, "I don't accept this.". Or when someone starts to gossip about someone else you can say, "I'd rather not hear that.". Go ahead! Stop them midsentence before they can unjustly mame someones image anymore! Also, you'll notive in your speech there are a lot of things that you needn't say as well. Does someone else really need to know that bad qualities you THINK you've identified is someone else? Do they need to hear your opinion about how stupid your think your city, state, job, government, Maybe they're having a good time. Maybe you should too.
I have some new pictures. I'm having some software issues so I can't format them for this site today. I'll have them up within the week.
In other news, this show just announced! Thornton will be playing at Exit/In in Nashville Feb. 16th with Aireline, and Lovedrug! Thornton goes on AT 9:00 on the dot. BE THERE at 8:45!!! What a fun night this will be.