Since my camera body broke this spring and I got rid of my digital camera this summer, I haven't had anything to shoot on. Finally I got around to getting a new camera body to use. Some ol' minolta X-370. It's a beautiful device. This is the first picture I shot on it. It's the view I get on the way home every day. There's actually a lot of neat detail in this picture which you can't see because I'm trying not to suck up all your bandwidth, but anyhow, It's a nice sight. Pictures like this never turn out as nicely as you'd like anyway.

A Carolyn. She was hanging out at my house when I got home messin' with a laptop.

Somehow, I ended up at a party with a bunch of philosophy graduate students. This has actually happened before. It's really interesting listening to drunk 30+ year old philosophy students converse. Also, cashews are yummy.
Cafe Coco:

This is Jex. He's the son of a co-worker. Certainly cute. He was accomodating enough to hold still long enough for me to shoot this picture before he tried to climb in the drink cooler.

My boss, Jenni. The lady that lets me take off for weeks at a time and come back to work whenever I want. Good people.

Now, I didn't take this photo obviously. Noah shot it while dad was visiting us last time. I guess it was a couple of months ago. I pretty much love this picture.

The Band that I mentioned in the last blog did end up wanting me to play with them, so I leave wednesday to rehearse for the tour that will last from Feb. 7th through March 8th. I'm looking forward to it. It'll be fun playing out again and touring is a great environment for pictures. Stay posted, it should be interesting. Also, check
LovedrugMusic.com and see if we're playing near you. You should come out and see me.
Hey look! Other people with old-ass Cameras!

My hair is longer now that it's been in a minute. Not quiet as long as it was when I was in a horrible indie horror flick last year, but it's getting there. My friend jens gave me that sweater. It's not something I would usually wear. But then again...neither are the black leather pants I was wearing when I shot this picture.
I don't have any deep thoughts to share or tortured questions to ask right now. Well, as always they're brooding around in there, but haven't formed themselves into cohesive thoughts.