Thursday, October 01, 2009

Bath Time With Nine-Dimensional Beings

October 1st, 2009

George stood at the bathroom door and called for me. I said he could come in. He pushed the door open, stepped inside and looked around. I was taking a hot bath. Initially he seemed a bit uncomfortable about disturbing me, but then seemed to relax. He leaned over the edge of the bathtub and put his hand on my shoulder softly and with genuine sincerity said,


George is a cat.

Cats have an eerie kind of way about them. Endearing and yet distant. Something about their demeanor seems very human. I have almost always imagined cats as being vastly intelligent creatures, as clever or even more clever than humans. An explanation of their apparent lack of sophistication? I think cats exist primarily in another plane of perception and are much larger and gifted than the parts that we witness. The “cats” we see are just appendages “leaking through” into our three-dimensional sphere. Conversely, I think it's possible that we leak through into other planes and appear much less impressive there. Or maybe is some planes we're much more impressive than in this one! I guess it that were the case you'd have to deduct that inter-planal consciousness is not possible, otherwise we would be aware of our bigger selves... but then, maybe some people are.

By this rationale it's feasible that we appear as cats in one of our alternate planes, and that cats appear as humans in one of their alternate planes. It would also be possible that all creatures take on all forms, given the proper alignment relative to the plane in which they're perceived. It would then also stand to reason that all creatures and objects could be exactly the same and only appear to be different because we witness a different “cross-section” of their being.

A mosquito, a cat, a dog, a human, a whale, a bird; all different cross-sections of identical creatures.

Different cross-sections of the same ONE creature? Or shan't I dare venture into mysticism?