To some, this post is going to sound rediculously self-righteous. To those who like to be critical of my "ego" or otherwise flame me anonymously on this public post, you are not invited to post any negativity here. There are plenty of forums for your destructive work elsewhere.
Lesson #37:
I can't presume that everyone or even that a lot of people have had the experiences I've had, or for that matter that I've had the experiences they've had. Although this presents a problem when trying to hash out some of the nitty-gritty of life with someone, it's not something that can't be overcome. Fortunately through communication we can share our experiences with eachother with some level of effect and make a case for our individual perspectives. Be open to new ideas and look for them to prove themselves true. "Test everything. Hold on to the good". That's actually a quote from the bible (1 Thes 5:21) which changed my life over ten years ago. (Thanks to girl Jeff from FIF)
There are a lot of things I would like people to know. Things I wish they were born knowing, or at least to have learned by the time they were adults. There is a great portion of people who think within a tiny box or who see life through a tiny pinhole in the shield of their world. As I said before I can't expect people to have come across the same information at the time that I have or will, but I do feel like it's really important for everyone to aproach life and every event in it with a critical yet open mind. Be a learner. Be a thinker. Be a communicator.