My good friend Ben Griffith at my parents house.
Kevin making his crazy Kevin face while we were in Chicago.
These pics of carolyn turned out nicely.
The girl at China Dragon who I never see anymore because that food does strange things to my bowels.
This was a butt-load of fun. While Ben and Spence were visiting Noah and I recently, we all ventured out onto the highway they're building in the sky. My mom would probably deem this "dangerous", but I assure you that we were as carefull as guys in their 20's are known to be.
Wierd double-shadow thing going on...
There's some kinda rustic looking thing going on in this picture that I like.
Here are my pals from Death Comesto Matteson Rockin' for a packed-out Blue Sky Court here in Nashville.
"I'm Confused."
This picture looks like fall to me.
Kevin's joke: In a southern Accent, "This Mat luk Nice with a scripcher verse on it. Lak Sumthin outa psalms wer he's talkin about music or sumthin."
A Lamp. Noah Might have taken this picture. I don't remember. He shot part of this roll.
This is part of my life.
Here are a few Noah shot the other day.
Noah in the Parking lot of Green Hill Cinema
A belmont student named Rachel with whom I went to breakfast once and never heard from again. Maybe it's not charming to shove a camera in someone's face at 8:00 in the morning.
The sky will surely swallow this school.
This is my good friend Trey acting a fool with a piece of duct tape.
And an atractive amp-grill which I shot at Broadway music, even though it appears to be 70 years old.
I hope you've enjoyed this visual adventure. I will try to do it more often so my mom can keep up with my life. Have a great day guys!