Wednesday, November 03, 2004

What do I know?

Well, that's over now. I voted. Oh yes, I did. Lemme tell you about my voting experience. I stepped into the voting booth. pushed a button to select my candidate and then thought to myself, "Did I just vote? That was anti-climactic.".
Anyway, another close election, huh? I don't really have anything clever to say about the whole thing, but people sure do feel strongly about this stuff. Last night at work I heard three people randomly insult someone to their face, for being a "democratic pussy" or a "republican blockhead" or something like that. Those were not happy moments.
All 11 states that voted on gay marriage voted for the constitutional ban. Some even voted for the ban of gay civil unions by huge margins. I have to say that until this year, I thought people were over it, but I guess when it comes down to it soccer moms just aren't ready to accept gay unions yet. It's sad how many people let Pat Robertson convince them that "the gay agenda" is to destroy family values. Such bullshit. I actually even hear people my age spouting that crap and it blows my mind every time. These dummies are under the impression that homosexuals are perverts that want to rape and molest.
So, when I was a child I thought we were growing up in a liberal Godless nation. Everyone I grew up around was super ultra-conservative fundamentalist evangelical christians. All I heard was how America was going down the tubes because of it's jerking God out of the government and schools and workplaces. I got the impression that in this country in modern times christians were pretty much persecuted. THIS COUNTRY IS SO FREAKING CHRISTIAN. Even "non-christians"...hell, people that don't even believe in God still base their whole life, ethics, and "morals" around christianity and nothing else. Why does it bother me that our country has an official religion? Well because pretty much every country does and it lets them believe that they're better than everyone else and that they can't be wrong.
I'm not really someone said on kevins blog, we're a very young country and are just hitting puberty. We have a lot to learn, and that's ok, I suppose. But damn, youth can be anoying.
Now I know I'm a child too. I'm also learning and will know a lot more before I die. Truth is, many of my views will change drasticly over even the next year or two. Golly, probably in the next months.

I guess I had something to say after all. Who knew?

As cheesy as I know it sounds...When in comes down to it, no matter what happens in politics, religion, and peoples lives around me, I'm going to wake up each day and just try to have a good experience. I love my family, I love my friends, I love music, I love this planet, and I love people.

That's my life today.