Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Staring through the window of the shop that never opens

Happy Birthday to Kevin!
Well, we all voted today...or some of us did. I just woke up and haven't turned on the TV (I generally don't). I suppose I'll watch everything unfold on TV at work tonight. Hooray for crazy times.
Hey, I like people. I like the earth. I'm genuinely having a good time. However, sometimes it bums me out that some of the people I care most about live in other places.
So, I'm a bartender of sorts. It's at a coffee shop, but it seems like a bar to me. It's strange. Curtain goes up at 11:30. See you guys there.

Masturbation, thinking, reading, conversation, speaking, leading, creation, walking, building, seeking, romance, thinking, planning, slow dance, predestined, demanding, happenstance, slow, uncanny, relation, effort, outdated, sensation, contrived, immitated, joy, concentrated, over-rated, illistration, the pen, painted, interpretation, twisted, tainted, creation, walking, sulking,

