Sunday, April 08, 2007


Sometimes you it feels like I disappear into the fuzz on the TV of life. Apparently, about 1 percent of that dancing static is caused by remnant signals created by the big bang. The big bang is an event that happened a very long time ago. I wasn't there, and neither were you, but we're all pretty certain it happened.

By "we're", I mean about 38% of us Americans. Apparently the majority of the country believes that everything is 6,000 years old and was created in about 6 days. Light from distant galaxies was created en route just to throw us off apparently.
The light from the sun hits the earth at different angles in different places. I like the way the light hits the earth in California. I like the way the light hits the earth in Little Rock Arkansas. I like the sun.

I've noticed the programming that people do to themselves and each other. I've noticed the damage it causes. Damage to what? To something arbitrarily developed out of nothing? What's there to damage really? Nothing. It's OK. Everything is absurd. It's fun and more interesting that way. Ordinarily I would say that you wouldn't have it any other way, but the fact of the matter is that many folks do have it another way, and prefer it. Fuck 'em.

Females might not be plagued with faulty wiring. I consider that a possibility. Some are certainly born with powerful and effective wiring. Most are effective, some are positive forces.

I have noticed girls. They are around.

On another note, I'm living is sin with my girlfriend, and have been for quite some time now. Oh yes. I talked to my parents about it. It was easier to get the information into my Mom's head than my Dad's. It was a process of telling him that I wasn't a christian, and didn't believe in marriage, and didn't really think there was anything "wrong" with really anything. It was a big deal. It was a pain. It was a lengthy conversation. I remember it will. Apparently he doesn't.

A short time ago, I visited my family in Indiana. Dad pulled out a business card belonging to a traveling minister who plays music in churches. Dad said, "Vincent is looking for a Godly young man to go out on tour with him and play music with him.". In shock and sadness I accepted the card and thanked dad. In my heart I thought, "my father is only interested in interaction with the person he imagines me to be, despite what I may ever tell him.

The man has never been really great at facing things directly. He doesn't really enjoy conflict. I don't either. Sometimes though, things conflict. Sometimes ideas conflict. Sometimes I disagree. Sometimes we disagree with each other. There's no need to pretend we do...
...well, then again. In my dad's case there is a need to pretend. Sanity. You see, if I don't believe what my dad believes, in my eyes he's simply mistaken about something. In his eyes his son is going to burn in hell for eternity. I can see why that's a hard thing to face. I also see why it's fucking insane!

The Midwest...Indiana specifically was a place I needed to escape from. I use the word escape because there is a certain gravity to places like this. I expect that most everyone has experienced home-town gravity and has some concept of what I'm talking about. That said, you don't really know the gravity of the Midwest if you haven't grown up there. There is a soccer mom, a friend, or a pastor around every corner, which seems to all but say, "for Pete's sake, why would you want to go anywhere else? What you will find elsewhere is poverty, hatred, evil, discomfort, misguided souls, loneliness, and a life without a future." Ironically, these are exactly what this asshole of America offers.

What I loath most of all about what I call "jesusland" is the apparent lack of any critical or progressive thought whatsoever. Now, they won't literally burn you at the stake for having a new idea, but if there is a psychological equivalent, it is most certainly exercised here.

I have looked into there eyes and spoken true meaningful things and been met with nothing more than a dull look and a shrug. At best, these people are brain dead. At worst, they are maliciously trying to ground the world in delusion and lethargy.