I got a job and am working on getting a second one (The job I'm working doesn't have a lot of hours available.)
I'm working at Steakhouse 85; one of the more popular new restaurants in town. It's fine dining and I have the uniform to prove it. I even use a "crumber" to scoop people's little bits of food of the table between courses!

The job is easy enough and most of my co-workers are nice. Actually they might all be a version of nice, but I wouldn't know because some of them have this method of interaction that's really antagonistic. I think it's that form of humor where every statement requires a "dude I'm just giving you shit", only they never say it. So, on the surface it's a lot of people in black clothes and aprons treating each other really shitty. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt by saying it must be their way of caring for each other and I simply haven't learned to interpret it yet.
All that said, some of my co-workers are overtly nice; Matresh, Benee, Erin, Lauren, Paul, Jeff, Greg, Adam, Frank, Derek, Jerry, Bob, Shawn, Ivan, Randy, Manuel, Ashley, Alex, Jessica, Karyn...Now that I think about it, really the only people that tear others down are Nick and Tony...Brian deftly rides the line, but he's clever, so it's alright.
I've been making some musics. I've been working out. I've been doing yoga. I've been eating really good Indian food. I've been making some friends. This fella who works at Starbucks named Eric is my first independently earned friend in New Brunswick. I think Anna and I will hang out with him sometime soon.
I've had a lot of good ideas. They aren't on the top of my brain right now, so I'll hold off.
-Enoch Porch of the earth.