Dear Mom,
I met a fellow named Adam Levy. He's a phenominal guitarist and songwriter. He also plays guitar with Norah Jones. He said he'd love to play with me sometime, although I'm sure that will take some mental manifestation on my part. Luckily, I'm a pro at it!
Also, I met this singer (performing with Adam) named Leah Siegel. I meet singer-songwriters all the time in Nashville and most are pretty mediocre. Some are downright bad. Leah, is downright good and you should listen to her music.
New York Times dining section today: Vegan Fare, Spiced With Sophistication
Yes! Peacefood review was positive! (
Also, I met some blogger for the CNN site who talked to my boss Eric today about blogging about us. I don't know if it was an interview, but whatever, it's neat.
And I had a great time practicing with my acting partner Vivien!
Also, at dinner the other night I met this nice lady who is a vocal coach. Apparently she works with lots of actors and such (she just got back in town from working with actors on a show called “Glee”. I hadn't heard of it, but this is a promo (
Anyway, once I accumulate some funds I think I will contact her about some coachage. Yes I would do the shit out of some musical theater. For that matter, I'd be happy to channel my clogging background through a tap-dancing filter and do some Fred Astaire!
And I biked to Brooklyn in the dark tonight and felt like a badass! I found this area of broadway that was all kinds of over-the-top lcd-screen and neon-lit and brimming with asian tourists. I think that's time square, or times square, or some such. I'll go back with I'm not dodging through traffic and 25 MPH on a bicycle.
I'm wearing a helmet.