Sunday, September 13, 2009

The meat in your mouth as you savour the flavour...

September 13th, 2009

There is an area in Nashville called Hillsboro. There is an area in New Jersey called Hillsborough. I never really thought of the Tennessee spelling as a bastardized version of the word until this week, but I suppose it makes sense. By the time the word spread that far across the country language was already evolving.

You can't think about photographing anything in new york city. Well, of course you can, but what I mean is that if you think about it you'll find it pointless. How many photos have there been of new york city? From how many different perspectives? What does my bundle of glass and plastic have to offer that has not already been. This, of course, is not intuitive knowledge. It's intelectual mumbo jumbo, which untimately fails. Because for that matter it's pointless to photograph a sunset or the human eyeball. That's just not true. Not true to my soul. I have shot many a photo here. Not all are pointless. Novelty comes from the uniqueness of your nervous system, not from the objects you record.

This is a vomit story. More acurately, this is a near-vomit story. Recently, until a few hours ago I haven't eaten much flesh, or any cooked food for that matter. I've been consuming fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouts, and such. I visited my friends Adam and Kate tonight and Kate made this delicious caserole with lots of...CHICKEN FLESH!!! It was perfect tasting, but I nearly puked later. I don't think Adam or Kate knew, but I'm kind of like a robot in that I can disconnect certain discomforts from my immediate consciousness for the sake social interaction, productivity, or general fun. The moral of this story is that eating flesh is actually as weird as it seems in those strangely lucid moments that flash through the long gooey continuum of my mental adventure, and that I'd be better off sticking with the foods that make my body feel good, and which appeal to my common sense.

Strangely, cow flesh doesn't appeal to my common sense, but has more often than not made my body feel good. Insert subjective theory here: