Monday, September 21, 2009

Racism, Nationalism, Recanted Statements, and Moldy Concepts

September 21st, 2009

(The following is not a politically charged statement or argument; it's more a social commentary.)

I know bigots from a past life and I've ended up on most of their email lists, so I get all kinds of nasty forwards. Today I got one that went on and on about immigrants (“illegal”) and how we should send them home/shoot them if they're coming across the border illegally, put ex-millitary personnel along the border with guns and such.

Racism in disguise as “immigration enforcement” is still racism. Our neighbors are living crappy lives right now and just across the border there is a better life for them. If any of the bigots I know were in a poverty in Mexico they'd want to immigrate too.

I know, I know, mass immigration decreases quality of life here. Listen, if my not making enough money to own a big house and a car or two, or even foregoing my retirement facilitates an immigrant feeding themselves and/or family, I'm totally fine with that. I contend that everyone should be. Do you have enough to survive? Well, some folks don't, and we happen to have a fertile spacious plot of land.

One note about patriotism/nationalism:
I don't care about countries at all. I care about people. I am no more proud of the USA or any country than I am of humanity, and life, and the universe, in general. I am not “rooting for” any one group of humans. I want all of them to feel satisfied with what's around them, and to have good friends, and to feel good a decent amount of the time, to be fed, and to have a place to sleep and think.

I would rather not see folks killing each other or contributing to each other suffering, but the method doesn't really concern me. If that required a one-world-government, that would be fine with me. If that required anarchy, that would be fine with me. If it required wide-spread religion, that would be fine with me. If it required wide-spread atheism, that would also be fine with me. A corporate world takeover? A financial collapse? I guess even universal drug use would be fine with me if everyone were happy, stimulated, and loved.

I'm sorry that I said so much negative shit about New York city for years. No, it's not my favorite place, but it actually has a bunch of cool shit. Although I might prefer it was less crowded, there's even something cool about having somebody to say something too at any given moment. Additionally, it's fun to ride a bicycle around here.

You know how food goes stale over time? So do ideas. I'm not saying there aren't timeless ideas. I'm saying that when you have an idea it's good to act on it or record it immediately. Ideas are often most potent and effective when fresh. Stale ideas fail to be compelling. Similarly, it has become evident that if I don't write about experiences the day they happen, they cease to become worth writing about. SOOO, I'm sorry I did that last night and that you will never hear what would probably have been a superb story. I was tired. It was late. I shant be a lazy-ass again.

Acting Class II:

First called up. It's exciting to be first and you also get to make everyone's mistakes for them. Well, better me than most other folks. Failure means learning. That's a good thing.