Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mother, I Can Feel the Soil Falling Over My Head

September 17th, 2009

It sounds like a cliché, but every morning from my window I hear a jackhammer echoing around the buildings of Manhattan. Can there really be that much jack-hammering going on? It's not that the sound annoys me. It's not loud or overbearing, it's just that I thought maybe that was just in the movies and there wasn't actually always a jackhammer running.

The rest of this chapter is written less in a clever way and more in a mom-here's-how-my-life-is-going sort of way. But I feel that's okay because sometimes you want to let your mom know how your life is going, and while it's best to do that is a song (and dance), sometimes the logistic limitations of life weigh heavy on an artist's plight. So... Dear mom,

Today I had my first class at the Maggie Flanagan studio. I love Maggie Flanagan. She talked for a bit about the nature of acting, and about her teaching method. We had a short break, and then introduced us to a few fundamentals of acting and the beginning of repetition, an exercise designed my Sandy Meisner which I would do a disservice to try to explain. (If you're curious about the Meisner technique you should read a book called The Actor's Art and Craft by Bill Esper.)

Peacefood, my job, is pretty much awesome. I couldn't tell the first day because I was training and it was akward because training is always akward. But yes, all the people who work there are my speed of folk, the guests are good people looking for good in the world. It's awesome. I had a really good time tonight and I think maybe I did extraordinarily good work.