Here is a picture of me. Really, you can't get any more self absorbed than taking pics of yourself in the mirror.

This Picture I love. Have you ever been listening to the perfect music at the perfect time? This was one of those times. I pulled up in front of my house one night listening to Sigur Ros ( ) and everything was all foggy and beautiful. I shot some photos. This is one of them.

Our good friend Ben (practically our brother, I'd say) moved down here from indiana and is living with us. This day we ate the least healthy thing ever. Mac 'n cheese with aldi brand cheddar sausages.

This is Trey in a parking garage.



So, last week a took a spur of the moment trip to visit my friend Mary in Alabama. I got off of work monday morning and decided to get in my van a drive. I purchased this Neal Young album on cassette for $3. As i was listening to it for the first (probably only) time A song called Alabama started to play as I crossed in the state. I thought "hmm."

There was this crazy big rocket ship at a rest area on the way down there. Madness I tell you.

Then I drove through Birmingham. This picture was actually taken on the way home. But don't worry about that.

Their is Mary's hand.

So once I arrived in Auburn, we went on a little adventure through the frozen land of nador, where we were forced to eat robins minstrels. Not true...we did however take this crazy dirt road out in the boonies.

Really when it comes down to it, it's just a bridge...but it's a really old-ass bridge.

Would you love to live here? Someone does. Unfortunately They have shotguns, and one tooth to yell at you through. What do they yell? "Get of ma dam property!". That didn't happen, but that's what could have happened in an alternate universe earth world.

We came upon this strange clearing with a REALLY old-ass house. Why was everthing dead here? I don't know.

Nightmare before redneckville.

Mary. TREE.

I saw these chickens...It cages. Why?

But wait! There are MORE!!!

There was an Omega on the said of this barn. Why?

There's Mary. There's a river. Both great things to have in a picture.

There is an out-of-focus picture of me. Just to prove I was there!

This train was speeding in the opposite direction...hold...hold...NOW!

On the way back to nashville My van ran out of gas. I managed to get it started and coast/drive to the next gas station. I do that sometimes. Just space out to the music that. Well, when I stopped at the gas station the sky was really pretty so I shot my last picture of the roll there.

That's all for now. I have another roll of photos, but i don't feel like being on this computer now.