First things Second,I cut my hair. This is what it looks like now.

Gay men love it.
I've Been spending my waking hours (those that I don't spend slaving away at beloved Cafe Coco) booking Thornton stuff. I'm working on turning us into a touring band. It's not as intimidating as it appears at first, but it does require hours of research and thousands of words. At this point anyway. I have to say it feels good working on it though. And getting somewhere.
Theoreticaly (spelling?), We Should be about to turn what you're looking at here into $10,000. Can we do it? Maybe. You can help. Go buy my record at right now.

Also, we're going to a bunch of places This next week:
March 29th: LOUISVILLE, KY @ Uncle Pleasant's w/ Carolina.
March 30th: ST. LOUIS, MO @ Frederick's Music Lounge w/ The Sundresses
March 31st: Springfield, IL @ 11 West w/ Micah Walk
April 1st: MUNCIE, IN @ MtCup (upstairs)
April 3rd: CHICAGO, IL @ The Beat Kitchen w/ 40 Piece Choir and Unfortunaut
April 5th: FT. WAYNE, IN @ Columbia St. West w/ Mike Conely
April 6th: INDIANAPOLIS, IN @ Rock Lobster
April 13th: NASHVILLE, TN @ The End w/ Good Lord to the Devil and Edie
Ah, the fruits of our labor. Come to one of these shows. Hell, come to two.
Ben, who is now living with my brother Noah, Bandmate Kevin, and I. He's now on our phone plan. Here he is, programming his new phone. Ben is not a big phone user, but it was just another $20 on our monthly bill, so we did it.

This scene was captured over by Belmont (Christian University in Nashville), where they're digging some huge hole in the ground. I guess as a basement for some huge structure. What I saw reminded me of this book I had when I was a child (I'm still a child.) called Mike and his Steam Shovel (???). Something magical about that book.

Here's one of these people who I feel really fortunate to know. This girl named Annie. One of the most loving people I have met. I think highly of her...or what I know of her. There are all kinds of nice people everywhere, if you keep an eye out. Do it. It'll make you feel a lot better.

So, It's hard for me to explain this picture. Ben bought this hammok, you see. It hangs in our house from time to time. In this picture I had it draped over my head. Do you see? Does it make sense?

I'm not goint to pretend this is a great looking picture. I just like the flares in it.

This is some sort of a plant thingy growing in front of our house. I don't have anything else to say about that. Maybe this picture doesn't even deserve to be on here.

Some Pickups I'm selling on Ebay. Something about this picture makes me want to eat them.

There are a lot of things powered my electricity. I don't know what that is, but it sure does stuff.

In this section, I wrote something and then decided it was to personal for public discussion, unless I'm there.
And then these are shades. In my house.

I can do this thing with my tummy. I don't know if it's neat or lame. But sometimes people go, "wow". Shon captured this event on his nifty camera at the cafe one night. I'm warning you: It's kinda gross. See my Tummy Wave!
This is a strange little peice taken from a public cable channel. It's funny, and you should watch it. Watch John Daker.
Ok, Now come see my band play a show.