"...in my rearview mirror!!!!...-guitar solo

Interstate Love Song

Kevin and I took a walk through vanderbuilt campus right before it got cold. We talked about some stuff. Kevin
had a really insightful thing to say...Let's see if I can remember it. Here's the general idea. Not at all close to verbatim. You need to enjoy the path you're on. The day-to-day activities are what you should get your enjoyment and motivation from. If your only motivation for doing something (say in a career, for instance) is the end goal you'll probably grow old very bitter and unhappy and never find your satisfaction. If you don't enjoy the path, you need to change it right now. This something I've thought about now and then for a while, but I wish you could've been there to hear him put it in words so clearly.
Then I shot this picture.

Lifting things

and more thingses.

There are rows of people way up there in the sky.

So, I've been reading this month. for the fist time in my life, really. A strange chain of events revealed to me the joy of it. I'm been trying to do it for a while, but didn't really beleive in it. (I don't think I can explain that any better.) before this month I had read probably 3 books in my life. This month I've read 4 books and I'm loving them.
The emerald tablets of Thoth (atlantean that ended up in egypt in 1900 BC)
Illusions - The adventures of a reluctant Messiah (Meghan Farmer Gave me this book. It's SO awesome and everyone should read it.
The Four Agreements (this is a 'live your life this way' book that's super great and insightful)
The Alchemist (I'm not quite finished with this book, but I'm really enjoying it.)
All of these books in some way are philisophical but easy to swallow. If your brain to grow at a comfortable pace, read these. Does anyone have any book suggestions? Seth, I know I should read the fountainhead, and I will.
Carolyn shot this picture from the floor.

In 2004 at the age of 22, I started to grown chest hair. It's getting to the point where I can't keep up with them. When I only had like four, it was easy to keep them plucked. What a pain in the behind.
This was a cold frosty morning.

I've been working on putting this guitar together for the last year. It's finally finished and boy did it turn out nicely. I still need to track down a Fender decal. I didn't actually physically put the parts together, and just aquired all the individual parts here and there and had the job done by a pro.

and I got to play on a radio show along with our friends Lume and Death Comesto Matteson. We covered Christmastime from the Charlie brown movie and Have yourself a merry little christmas. It was a buttload of fun.

There's Jeff from Lume behind us. See him? Through the glass man! Through the glass!

Waiting out in the little lounge area.

The remaining pictures were shot on digital cameras with flash. I wouldn't wanna subject the human eye to this except for the purpose of retaining memories.
More pictures from the radio station:
Peter, Thom, Enoch, Kevin

Noah was hangin' out playing some videogames. The man loves him some video games.

Kevin had hoped there would be something worth eating in the fridge...But no.

This is the crew with which I saw Finding Neverland. Shon (next to me.), His brother, some other people who's names I can't remember. I sure wish that I could.

Seeya Guys!