Here are some pictures I've taken over the last 6 weeks which included a tour with the band Mae. They're not really in the proper order, but might come close...or not.
Kicking around Canton, OH there's not a lot to photograph.

This is Lovedrug, for the time being. From left to right, Dave (Guitar) James (Drums) Michael (Keys, Guitar, Vox) I'm been hanging with these fellas for the last month and a half. Super nice guys.

Here is the practice space. I showed up here five days before we went out on tour. Never having played Lovedrugs music, is was quite and undertaking to learn 11 songs in those few days.
4 shows into the tour, we found ourselves playing for a sold out audience of 3000 at biola college in CA. That was and experience and a half.
This is a picture of the crowd. It was really neat.

Somewhere on our drive out west. This is Michael, the singer.

Stage monitor console for our first California show. This is a local band.

The light just straight up looks different in California.


Hey, people actually live here. I will.

There are big spaces.

Stoping to take it in.

There are freaking huge rocks in the earth! Note the car in the bottom left hand corner.

Something abour this scene behind a walmart somewhere out west was reall neat.

In and Out burger. It's one of those things you hear about but I hadn't experienced until a few weeks ago...the verdict? I dunno, I hamburger is a hamburger, yeah?

Wierd over-exposed shot.

Have you seen magic?

Dave glowing. In a sub shop in Las Vegas.

Somwhere, We decided we should pose with an old wagon.

Yours truely.

Drummer boy.

There are more big spaces.

There's Mae playing in a jillians in Las vegas.

Michael doing a phone interview.

Honestly pictures like this don't really get me off, but some people like them.

Wondered at all what we tool around in? there it is. Covered in salt from the roads.

HOlland, MI. By far the coolest venue we played on this tour. Here are some cool shots of Mae playing. My camera was frozen and the fog on the lens ended up doing some cool stuff here.

Beautiful Stained glass in the background there.

Mae playing in Columbia, MO.

Weird-ass angle from the balcony.

Merch on parade.

Zack from Mae

There's something nice about this picture. It also doesn't belong here.

Sunglass mania!

People trickle into a michigan show.

Well, I guess the LA hotel that we were in was next to a wig shop.

Thanks for Looking! I love you.