Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Indiana, Indiana

I know a mechanic in Indiana who does good work for a lot lower price than most. Whenever I'm having some relatively involved repairs done on my van I bring it up here and have him work on it. Two weeks ago I called him and asked if I could get the thing worked on the following monday/tuesday. He said he's fit me in, so I drove the thing up the Anderson, Indiana. Ben also rode up with me from Nashville because his parents (who live in chesterfield indiana) had bought him a car and he needed to pick it up.

Long story short, dave (the mechanic) didn't have my vehicle fixed by the time I needed to be back in Nashville, so I rode back down with ben so I could at least avoid losing my job. Sunday spent $70 in fuel as ben and noah brought me back up here to pick up my vehicle which was supposed to be finished by monday. Of course, it wasn't and still isn't. It's wednessday morning. I need to be at work in Nashville this evening. I'm worried.

Now, I let the mechanic know when I needed my vehicle by and he said it would be done. Then again, I've heard that before, so I have no reason to believe it.

Anyway, it has been nice spending some time here with my family and my dear friend conrad. We've been playing basketball, riding bikes, swimming (four times I think), and playing music on the front porch. I went to the county 4-H fair last night and checked out my brother's projects. Both Josh and Gabe won Champion in their photography divisions. That's pretty neat.

Anderson isn't all that bad in the summer and actually offers some things you can't get elsewhere. You just have to make lists and keep yourself busy. Have to keep your mind and you body moving or you'll get stuck. There's something about momentum. This is true anywhere, but perhaps moreso here.

Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb is one of my favorite songs ever.