Yes, that's Kevin on a childs four-wheeler.

Yes, that's me on a childs four-wheeler.

Yes, that's a gun.

Kevin and Luke...color coordinated.

Headed out of STL.

Next Show was in Springfield, IL at a venue called 11 West. Micah Walk set up the show and played with us. It was super cool and we had a lot of fun.
Unfortunately, My camera was down the street in my van, not in the venue..So you'll just have to imagine it.
After we played we went and had some fatty greasy shit.

I can't really explain this one.

This is the venue we played in Muncie. It's called The living room. Pretty neat place. Cool show. A bunch of people there. They dug it, they supported, they looked good.

Merch in Muncie

Kev Kev's Mic.

The Drums

Us, in the street, out of focus. Why does that happen?

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