So, funny story...CJ Boyd, a friend from Nashville, was also up in Chicago at the same time we were. He was playing a show at a coffee shop. We went there and them hung out with him that night. CJ is a philosphy grad student at vanderbuilt.

So, there was this party. A house party. A party of philosophy students. We went with CJ. Drunk philosopers are funny. Here's Kevin partially drunk. Kevin is not a philosopher. He is but a man. A very atractive man.

CJ and drunk philosophers.

Me, out of focus. Why does that happen?

We had a lot of beautiful days. This was one. Walking to Starbucks in the morning.


This is the venue we played in Chicago. The Beat Kitchen.

This is an Awesome Band called Unfortunaut. Seriosly cool musics. I'm gonna try and get them to Nashville.

Forty peice chior finished out the night.

Next day. Still in Chicago.

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