Our seating for the next 8 days.

Uncle pleasants in Louisville, KY. That luke in the doorway. This was a cool venue. Nice sound, cool lights, nice stage. Me Likey.

There's the fellas from Carolina, the band that set up the show with us in Louisville.

There's this amazing coffee shop next to Uncle Pleasants. I don't usually drink coffee, but kevin, luke, and I all agreed it was the best coffee we'd had.


Sorry there are no pictures of us playing. I couldn't very well snap pictures and play at the same time.
After the show we went to denny's

We started playing this game where we would stare at a picture of a specific food and try to transmit the message to lukes brain and see if he could guess what food we were looking at. Then he was the transmitter and we would try to guess. This is that process. I can't say it really worked terrificly, but it passed the time and was funny.

We Stayed the night in Evansville, IN with some friends on Kevins. This is Kevin half asleep.

He probably hates this picture. So be it.

This is the sky somewhere between Evansville and St. Louis, MO.

This stuff looked absoloutely crazy in real life.

This is where we played in St. Louis.

It was a weird-ass little venue with a tiny stage. This is the other bands equipment. They are the Sundresses, they are from Cincinnatti.

Nice bartender chic. Bought our record too.

Kevin's Sister Lives in St. Louis, MO. That's where we slept after the show. This is the house. Under a big midwestern sky.

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