Why does rain carry such a mood with it? Driving home from work this morning was a heavy experience. It's cold and rainy. That's a very effecting environment for me. The rain part in particular. I don't do well with rain. I never have. I remember being 4 or 5 and getting stuck outside in the treehouse crying 'cause it started raining and I couldn't bear to run the 35 feet to the house. But aside from my individual extreme dislike for the event, I think it really does inspire a certain mood for most people. A lot of people don't like rainy days, or they find the, somewhat uninspiring. Still there's something beautiful about watching it drop on your windshield and run down.
There are people dying in Iraq and that makes me sad. We're humans, aren't we over this? I'm not talking about America. I'm talking about the earth. It sucks 'cause probably at some point I'll me one of the guys running about with a machine gun killing off people. I am not that. I'm not a soldier. There are people who are. I am not one. I'm a limp-wristed artist.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Friday, November 26, 2004
Feast your eyes.
Well, here are some Pictures I've been snapping and not doing anything with.
My good friend Ben Griffith at my parents house.
Kevin making his crazy Kevin face while we were in Chicago.
These pics of carolyn turned out nicely.
The girl at China Dragon who I never see anymore because that food does strange things to my bowels.
This was a butt-load of fun. While Ben and Spence were visiting Noah and I recently, we all ventured out onto the highway they're building in the sky. My mom would probably deem this "dangerous", but I assure you that we were as carefull as guys in their 20's are known to be.
Wierd double-shadow thing going on...
There's some kinda rustic looking thing going on in this picture that I like.
Here are my pals from Death Comesto Matteson Rockin' for a packed-out Blue Sky Court here in Nashville.
"I'm Confused."
This picture looks like fall to me.
Kevin's joke: In a southern Accent, "This Mat luk Nice with a scripcher verse on it. Lak Sumthin outa psalms wer he's talkin about music or sumthin."
A Lamp. Noah Might have taken this picture. I don't remember. He shot part of this roll.
This is part of my life.
Here are a few Noah shot the other day.
Noah in the Parking lot of Green Hill Cinema
A belmont student named Rachel with whom I went to breakfast once and never heard from again. Maybe it's not charming to shove a camera in someone's face at 8:00 in the morning.
The sky will surely swallow this school.
This is my good friend Trey acting a fool with a piece of duct tape.
And an atractive amp-grill which I shot at Broadway music, even though it appears to be 70 years old.
I hope you've enjoyed this visual adventure. I will try to do it more often so my mom can keep up with my life. Have a great day guys!
My good friend Ben Griffith at my parents house.

Kevin making his crazy Kevin face while we were in Chicago.

These pics of carolyn turned out nicely.

The girl at China Dragon who I never see anymore because that food does strange things to my bowels.

This was a butt-load of fun. While Ben and Spence were visiting Noah and I recently, we all ventured out onto the highway they're building in the sky. My mom would probably deem this "dangerous", but I assure you that we were as carefull as guys in their 20's are known to be.

Wierd double-shadow thing going on...

There's some kinda rustic looking thing going on in this picture that I like.

Here are my pals from Death Comesto Matteson Rockin' for a packed-out Blue Sky Court here in Nashville.

"I'm Confused."

This picture looks like fall to me.

Kevin's joke: In a southern Accent, "This Mat luk Nice with a scripcher verse on it. Lak Sumthin outa psalms wer he's talkin about music or sumthin."

A Lamp. Noah Might have taken this picture. I don't remember. He shot part of this roll.

This is part of my life.

Here are a few Noah shot the other day.


Noah in the Parking lot of Green Hill Cinema

A belmont student named Rachel with whom I went to breakfast once and never heard from again. Maybe it's not charming to shove a camera in someone's face at 8:00 in the morning.

The sky will surely swallow this school.

This is my good friend Trey acting a fool with a piece of duct tape.

And an atractive amp-grill which I shot at Broadway music, even though it appears to be 70 years old.

I hope you've enjoyed this visual adventure. I will try to do it more often so my mom can keep up with my life. Have a great day guys!
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Peoples of Earth, A Purging
Listen, you can choose to have a good time or not. If you wanna dwell on stuff that makes you feel bad, you can, but you'll feel like crap and end up crying yourself to sleep at night. Yeah, there's a time for that. There's a lot more time to enjoy all the great things we're fortunate enough to have. Like this beautiful day we just had here in nashville. A big magical backdrop we don't even understand. The gift of friendship. Memories, good and bad, that make up who we are. Both sides of our brain that engage in an ever-poetic back-and-forth until the day we perish. A wealth of knowledge so extensive that you can spend your whole life feeding your brain and excersizing your imagination. Shoes. Your limitations. The things you don't understand. For all this I give thanks to whom thanks shall be given.
This has been an exciting couple of days in blog land. I just want to say it's really touching to hear such nice words from my friends. Seth, Kevin, Noah, Jacqueline, you are kind people. I'd like to say that I really love the earth and all these great humans that live in it. Thanks universe earth-bird!
This is really the truth, not some fabricated hallmark card for the holidays...And finally, I would like to quote something that my best friend in the whole earth said tonight Because it's beautiful and nearly brought me to tears.
"...there is distortion in our government. there is distortion in the world. there is distortion in the poor. distortion in the famous and wealthy. in homosexuals in heterosexuals. in liberals and conservatives. in christians and athiests. there is distortion.there is distortion in each and everyone of us. in all of us there is this common thread.
there is love in our government. there is love in the world. there is love in the poor there is love in the famous and wealthy. there is love in homosexuals and love in heterosexuals. love in liberals and love in conseravtives. love in
christians and love in athiests. there is love. there is love in each and everyone of us in all of us there is this common thread..." -Carolyn Benedict
I stapled my finger accidentaly.
This has been an exciting couple of days in blog land. I just want to say it's really touching to hear such nice words from my friends. Seth, Kevin, Noah, Jacqueline, you are kind people. I'd like to say that I really love the earth and all these great humans that live in it. Thanks universe earth-bird!
This is really the truth, not some fabricated hallmark card for the holidays...And finally, I would like to quote something that my best friend in the whole earth said tonight Because it's beautiful and nearly brought me to tears.
"...there is distortion in our government. there is distortion in the world. there is distortion in the poor. distortion in the famous and wealthy. in homosexuals in heterosexuals. in liberals and conservatives. in christians and athiests. there is distortion.there is distortion in each and everyone of us. in all of us there is this common thread.
there is love in our government. there is love in the world. there is love in the poor there is love in the famous and wealthy. there is love in homosexuals and love in heterosexuals. love in liberals and love in conseravtives. love in
christians and love in athiests. there is love. there is love in each and everyone of us in all of us there is this common thread..." -Carolyn Benedict
I stapled my finger accidentaly.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Sorry it's been a long-ass time since my last post guys. Here I am in the earth.
Yep, Tarnation was boring as hell. The only thing it had going for it was the length of time over which it was recorded. But really, how long can you be entertained by that thought? I was not moved in the least. I don't have the thing in my brain that documentary was made for. Glad some people do, but it's not me.
I also had the misfortune of seeing The Grudge. First of all, let me say that I pretty much hate spook movies in the first place, so most of the time I would give a movie in this genre a thumbs-down. But let me tell you folks, this was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. That all.
My dad is in town.I just went and had dinner with him and then we went to the movies(oh yes, I love going to the movies) and saw Incredibles. What a fun time! If you want to see a charming feel-good movie that's the one.
Well Thornton is getting lots of plays at radio stations on the coasts. (#5 in Haverford, PA!)It's to bad they aren't as up to speed in Jesusland yet.
Yep, Tarnation was boring as hell. The only thing it had going for it was the length of time over which it was recorded. But really, how long can you be entertained by that thought? I was not moved in the least. I don't have the thing in my brain that documentary was made for. Glad some people do, but it's not me.
I also had the misfortune of seeing The Grudge. First of all, let me say that I pretty much hate spook movies in the first place, so most of the time I would give a movie in this genre a thumbs-down. But let me tell you folks, this was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. That all.
My dad is in town.I just went and had dinner with him and then we went to the movies(oh yes, I love going to the movies) and saw Incredibles. What a fun time! If you want to see a charming feel-good movie that's the one.
Well Thornton is getting lots of plays at radio stations on the coasts. (#5 in Haverford, PA!)It's to bad they aren't as up to speed in Jesusland yet.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Where is my mind?
So, it looks like I'm going to take Seths (Thanks for the article you posted too!) advice and see the move tarnation tonight. If anyone else sees it, I'd love to see your thoughts on here. I really don't know anything about it, but I trust seths opinion on movies/books/art more than a lot of people. I don't trust some of his musical input though 'cause he likes dance music, and I just can't hang with it.
This new snow-boot trend is so stupid.
Ok, I have this friend who e-mailed me in response to my "what do I know" post. She's not much into the "post all your thoughts on the internet" thing, but there's a grand morsel of wisdom in something she wrote. I think you should hear this snippit. "I don't get worked up too much with my own viewpoints but I do get worked up when people are just as you described: when everyone thinks they're better than everyone else and that they can't be wrong.But I guess that too is just my measly view. So here I am again: WRONG. Just when I thought i was on to something...There is so much pride and lack of respect when people think they know TRUTH...I'm going to just try to know my truth when I know it and change it when it gets blind-sided by something that makes more sense- at the time, pride aside. "
I think that's brilliantly put. But then, what do I know?
This new snow-boot trend is so stupid.
Ok, I have this friend who e-mailed me in response to my "what do I know" post. She's not much into the "post all your thoughts on the internet" thing, but there's a grand morsel of wisdom in something she wrote. I think you should hear this snippit. "I don't get worked up too much with my own viewpoints but I do get worked up when people are just as you described: when everyone thinks they're better than everyone else and that they can't be wrong.But I guess that too is just my measly view. So here I am again: WRONG. Just when I thought i was on to something...There is so much pride and lack of respect when people think they know TRUTH...I'm going to just try to know my truth when I know it and change it when it gets blind-sided by something that makes more sense- at the time, pride aside. "
I think that's brilliantly put. But then, what do I know?
Friday, November 05, 2004
I'm giving a ride to my best friend
Well, I was awakened by a call from Kevin, "My car broke down. Will you come give me a push?". Let me tell you, after we just spent $400 on it, that's poo. Then I came home and slept for a minute before spending a couple hours at the sprint store who told us for half an hour that we couldn't get a third phone on our plan and then strangely changed their story. After some confusion and finding out that our phone plan was all screwed up in the first place, Kevin walked out with his new phone. bla bla bla...
to be continued...
to be continued...
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
What do I know?
Well, that's over now. I voted. Oh yes, I did. Lemme tell you about my voting experience. I stepped into the voting booth. pushed a button to select my candidate and then thought to myself, "Did I just vote? That was anti-climactic.".
Anyway, another close election, huh? I don't really have anything clever to say about the whole thing, but people sure do feel strongly about this stuff. Last night at work I heard three people randomly insult someone to their face, for being a "democratic pussy" or a "republican blockhead" or something like that. Those were not happy moments.
All 11 states that voted on gay marriage voted for the constitutional ban. Some even voted for the ban of gay civil unions by huge margins. I have to say that until this year, I thought people were over it, but I guess when it comes down to it soccer moms just aren't ready to accept gay unions yet. It's sad how many people let Pat Robertson convince them that "the gay agenda" is to destroy family values. Such bullshit. I actually even hear people my age spouting that crap and it blows my mind every time. These dummies are under the impression that homosexuals are perverts that want to rape and molest.
So, when I was a child I thought we were growing up in a liberal Godless nation. Everyone I grew up around was super ultra-conservative fundamentalist evangelical christians. All I heard was how America was going down the tubes because of it's jerking God out of the government and schools and workplaces. I got the impression that in this country in modern times christians were pretty much persecuted. THIS COUNTRY IS SO FREAKING CHRISTIAN. Even "non-christians"...hell, people that don't even believe in God still base their whole life, ethics, and "morals" around christianity and nothing else. Why does it bother me that our country has an official religion? Well because pretty much every country does and it lets them believe that they're better than everyone else and that they can't be wrong.
I'm not really complaining...as someone said on kevins blog, we're a very young country and are just hitting puberty. We have a lot to learn, and that's ok, I suppose. But damn, youth can be anoying.
Now I know I'm a child too. I'm also learning and will know a lot more before I die. Truth is, many of my views will change drasticly over even the next year or two. Golly, probably in the next months.
I guess I had something to say after all. Who knew?
As cheesy as I know it sounds...When in comes down to it, no matter what happens in politics, religion, and peoples lives around me, I'm going to wake up each day and just try to have a good experience. I love my family, I love my friends, I love music, I love this planet, and I love people.
That's my life today.
Anyway, another close election, huh? I don't really have anything clever to say about the whole thing, but people sure do feel strongly about this stuff. Last night at work I heard three people randomly insult someone to their face, for being a "democratic pussy" or a "republican blockhead" or something like that. Those were not happy moments.
All 11 states that voted on gay marriage voted for the constitutional ban. Some even voted for the ban of gay civil unions by huge margins. I have to say that until this year, I thought people were over it, but I guess when it comes down to it soccer moms just aren't ready to accept gay unions yet. It's sad how many people let Pat Robertson convince them that "the gay agenda" is to destroy family values. Such bullshit. I actually even hear people my age spouting that crap and it blows my mind every time. These dummies are under the impression that homosexuals are perverts that want to rape and molest.
So, when I was a child I thought we were growing up in a liberal Godless nation. Everyone I grew up around was super ultra-conservative fundamentalist evangelical christians. All I heard was how America was going down the tubes because of it's jerking God out of the government and schools and workplaces. I got the impression that in this country in modern times christians were pretty much persecuted. THIS COUNTRY IS SO FREAKING CHRISTIAN. Even "non-christians"...hell, people that don't even believe in God still base their whole life, ethics, and "morals" around christianity and nothing else. Why does it bother me that our country has an official religion? Well because pretty much every country does and it lets them believe that they're better than everyone else and that they can't be wrong.
I'm not really complaining...as someone said on kevins blog, we're a very young country and are just hitting puberty. We have a lot to learn, and that's ok, I suppose. But damn, youth can be anoying.
Now I know I'm a child too. I'm also learning and will know a lot more before I die. Truth is, many of my views will change drasticly over even the next year or two. Golly, probably in the next months.
I guess I had something to say after all. Who knew?
As cheesy as I know it sounds...When in comes down to it, no matter what happens in politics, religion, and peoples lives around me, I'm going to wake up each day and just try to have a good experience. I love my family, I love my friends, I love music, I love this planet, and I love people.
That's my life today.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Staring through the window of the shop that never opens
Happy Birthday to Kevin!
Well, we all voted today...or some of us did. I just woke up and haven't turned on the TV (I generally don't). I suppose I'll watch everything unfold on TV at work tonight. Hooray for crazy times.
Hey, I like people. I like the earth. I'm genuinely having a good time. However, sometimes it bums me out that some of the people I care most about live in other places.
So, I'm a bartender of sorts. It's at a coffee shop, but it seems like a bar to me. It's strange. Curtain goes up at 11:30. See you guys there.
Masturbation, thinking, reading, conversation, speaking, leading, creation, walking, building, seeking, romance, thinking, planning, slow dance, predestined, demanding, happenstance, slow, uncanny, relation, effort, outdated, sensation, contrived, immitated, joy, concentrated, over-rated, illistration, the pen, painted, interpretation, twisted, tainted, creation, walking, sulking,
Well, we all voted today...or some of us did. I just woke up and haven't turned on the TV (I generally don't). I suppose I'll watch everything unfold on TV at work tonight. Hooray for crazy times.
Hey, I like people. I like the earth. I'm genuinely having a good time. However, sometimes it bums me out that some of the people I care most about live in other places.
So, I'm a bartender of sorts. It's at a coffee shop, but it seems like a bar to me. It's strange. Curtain goes up at 11:30. See you guys there.
Masturbation, thinking, reading, conversation, speaking, leading, creation, walking, building, seeking, romance, thinking, planning, slow dance, predestined, demanding, happenstance, slow, uncanny, relation, effort, outdated, sensation, contrived, immitated, joy, concentrated, over-rated, illistration, the pen, painted, interpretation, twisted, tainted, creation, walking, sulking,
Monday, November 01, 2004
Fall Shapes
It's another beautiful day in Nashville. This season partly bums me out 'cause I know winter is on the way. It's beautiful though, so I can't complain. Every winter I decide I'm going to enjoy it and then somewhere around the halfway point I break down and stop denying that it hurts my skin.
Dark Age
Stone Age
Old Age
Old hat
Hard hat
Hath not
Loc Ness
Lock smith
ian ian
Core and the end
The End
Bending my words
fine linens
fine arts
fine dining
dumb and dumber
deaf and dumb
Dark Age
Stone Age
Old Age
Old hat
Hard hat
Hath not
Loc Ness
Lock smith
ian ian
Core and the end
The End
Bending my words
fine linens
fine arts
fine dining
dumb and dumber
deaf and dumb
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