Tuesday, November 30, 2004

It's only water.

Why does rain carry such a mood with it? Driving home from work this morning was a heavy experience. It's cold and rainy. That's a very effecting environment for me. The rain part in particular. I don't do well with rain. I never have. I remember being 4 or 5 and getting stuck outside in the treehouse crying 'cause it started raining and I couldn't bear to run the 35 feet to the house. But aside from my individual extreme dislike for the event, I think it really does inspire a certain mood for most people. A lot of people don't like rainy days, or they find the, somewhat uninspiring. Still there's something beautiful about watching it drop on your windshield and run down.
There are people dying in Iraq and that makes me sad. We're humans, aren't we over this? I'm not talking about America. I'm talking about the earth. It sucks 'cause probably at some point I'll me one of the guys running about with a machine gun killing off people. I am not that. I'm not a soldier. There are people who are. I am not one. I'm a limp-wristed artist.

