I still have not been in a town and mobile long enough to develope any of my photos. I can only offer fan photography which is floating about the net. Well, let's see...where did I leave off? I've been thinking a lot about the nature of my life. Of at least the nature of the life I've had post-living with my parents. It's been pretty interesting. I guess I've just had a general plan of playing music as seriously as possible, and that's what I've done. For the first time, I have a full time job playing music. I don't know how long it will last, but it's a lot of fun and I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

Currently, I'm in an akward scenario with a couple who is hosting us, lovedrug, a couple girls who were at the club and ended up at our hosts house, and a cat.
I must tell you about the show we played a few days ago at hope college in holland, MI. First off it was a sold out 1200 seat show, which is sweet in the first place, but in addition to the very supportive crowd, the venue was one of the most beautiful rooms I've ever been in, let alone played music in. I'm not sure how old it was, but it was very old. I basicly had a cathedral look going on, complete with the 200 foot high valted celings, wood and stone arches, a HUGE old pipe organ in the balcony and one recessed in the wall. Of course the room sounded amazing and a good time was had by all. It that mysterious day in the future when I get my film developed you'll love it.
Following Day:
Today is a day off for us, got the message last night that we weren't on the bill for tonights show with mae. I'm not really sure how that happened, but I'm fine with it and will soon take the opportunity the catch up on sleep.
Today's thoughts focus on a fullfilling life. I've asked myself several times what I consider that to be. It changes from time to time. Generally though, I think that simply having people around you that you love is very important. As a close second I would say that doing things you enjoy is very important. I'm not as good at keeping myself close to the people I love as I would like. I take them for granted and then when I'm not near them stop and think, "wow, I really wish I was around my peeps right now." So some of the most heartfelt experiences I ever have with some of the people I really care about is a short call that says, "Hey, I like you. I wish we were together right now." That's unfortunate... I could change my life today, but it would require other sacrifices that I'm to foolish to go through with. I probably put to much value on new and interesting experiences and not enough on relationships.