Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I'm not even gonna look back at what I wrote. This is total stream of consciousness.

Life. It really is freaking crazy. You don't really know where you'll be or what you'll be doing from one moment to the next. In addition, you probably don't know what is right and what it wrong. Also, you don't know if what you've figured out about life actually applies to anyone but yourself. You can also know only very little about things which you have not experienced first-hand. Their are many experiences you will not have. There are many I will not have. There are several "important" people you will not meet. There are small instants that will change the course of your life in major ways forever. There are huge events that will seem to have no effect on you at all. It's really quite strange. I have been searching for meaning in all of it for most of my life. Why do I need a why? It's because I was built to figure out "Why" things are. So were you. Now, I use the term "built" very broadly. I probably mean evolve. You are here because instead of developing a keen sense of hearing or smell, or growing huge claws or teeth, you evolved in the intelectual department. You are biologically inclined to figuring out how things work. Looking for what makes things tick. The trouble that may exist is that those methods may only apply to very simple things. It could be that there is no answer or binding thread to life. Do you hate that idea? Of course you do. Every strand of DNA in you screams out for an answer.